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How BLACK Lemonade For All Works


BLACK Lemonade For All (BLFA) is approved for implementation by the Institutional Review Board (IRB) of Temple University in Philadelphia, PA. All participants do so on a voluntary basis and complete a written consent form provided by Temple University.


Three assessments are conducted during a 90-minute pre-conference session conducted with interested parents and leaders.  Day and evening sessions can be convened to accommodate parent schedules.


As part of the research agenda, participants assess their parenting skills prior to and during the Phase I and II conferences.  Formal data collection procedures seek to ascertain pre- and post differences in the following:


1) Amount of time parents spend in structured activities with their children.

2) Parent-initiated contacts with school personnel. 

3) Parent stress levels.



A school district or community organization identifies a local coordinator for the BLFA who will work directly with the National Coordinator and associates on all aspects of the program.  The local coordinator will facilitate all recruitment procedures to identify and establish a 12-16 member team of parents for each targeted school or neighborhood.  Ultimately, one parent will volunteer to serve as team leader for each school or neighborhood.



The BLFA Phase I P.A.R.E.N.T. conference acronym stands for “Parents Acting Responsibly Educate Network and Track.”  The 2.5 day BLFA Phase I P.A.R.E.N.T. Conference weekend begins on Thursday evening with a welcome event and fellowship meal at a location to be determined. The evening includes get acquainted activities and an inspirational message from a parent focusing participants on the significance of parenting children in today’s world. Ideally, the conference is convened at a neutral non-school site.



Day I P.A.R.E.N.T. conference features interactive sessions designed to identify:

• best and worst parenting practices

• self-assessment

• skits

• role playing

• small and large group discussions.


Day 2 P.A.R.E.N.T  conference activities include:


• reactions to Day 1

• “homework” sharing

• effective and ineffective communication skills

• intentional conversations

• building networks

• self-assessment

• tracking/monitoring procedures

• goal-setting


Day I and 2 activities are conducted by BLFA-trained facilitators, all of whom are veteran educators, psychologists or social service professionals.



Each team is required to convene six follow-up sessions after the Phase I conference within 6-8 weeks.  Scheduled at the convenience of team members, each 90-minute session follows a standard format.  It features a short presentation by a team member volunteer on one of the five parenting roles introduced during the Phase I P.A.R.E.N.T. conference and a related discussion. One role is covered in each session.  In addition, selected topics from the Empowerment Curriculum, parenting “success stories” and challenges are also part of each session’s agenda. Team members are encouraged to invite other parents from their school or neighborhood to attend each session.



The Phase II P.A.R.E.N.T. Conference is designed as a one-day celebration. Scheduled on a Saturday, it features team members’ success stories, as well as the challenges they may be facing as parents.  They revisit their goals, recommit to them or set new ones. The final self-assessment is conducted also.   A date for the replication transition meeting is determined at that time.



The local coordinator and parent team leaders decide how they wish to proceed with implementation of BLFA for the future.  Determination of “train-the- trainer” replication needs are considered at this time.  BLFA personnel and appropriate school district or community organization staff decision-makers attend to give input.  

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